Friday, 19 October 2012

End of summer, a new semester :)


It's been such a long time since I posted on here, I desperately need to finish uploading everything about Japan!

I'm starting to be able to look beyond my life at uni now. I feel I can see first steps to take beyond graduation for the first time, and am signing up for some shows and looking at getting a studio and part time job in ceramics! The final year of my MA starts on Monday.

Things I'm applying for:

Campus stand at Rufford Earth and Fire 21st - 23rd June
Helper at Aberystwyth International Ceramic Festival 24th June - 1st July
Helper at Hatfield Art in Clay 5th - 7th July
Newcomer's stand at Farnham Art in Clay 16th - 17th November

and a couple of ceramic places for part time jobs - one in a supply shop, the other as a potter's assistant.

Anyway, watch this space! I'll keep you posted.

Also, found this on facebook today - I shall have to include it in my investigations of Japanese glazes. Different country, different glaze ingredients! Makes international glaze recipe sharing that bit more interesting...

Tough question here: Does anyone have a typical analysis chemical breakdown for Ashinuma Ishi (also known as Aka-ko)? [This is the original stone that forms the basis for the Mashiko Kaki (persimon) glaze.] I have a good "look alike" using US materials but want to see the original chemistry, if I can. I don't want to go to the expense of having some of the already ground rock that I have on-hand analyzed at a lab (if I can help it). Thanks in advance for any help.
Like ·  ·  · 1 September at 16:31
  • Seen by 35
  • John Neely Akako aka Mashiko Stone
    Silica/Alumina ratio: 8.1:1
    Equivalent Molecular Weight: 617.150

    Molecular Formula of Akako aka Mashiko Stone:

    K20 0.110 Al2O3 0.815 SiO2 6.567
    Na2O 0.230 Fe2O3 0.238 TiO2 0.052
    CaO 0.383 P2O5 0.010 MnO2 0.014
    MgO 0.277 LOI 2.091

    Percentage Analysis

    63.91 % SiO2 
    13.46 % Al2O3
    1.68 % K2O 
    2.31 % Na2O 
    1.81 % MgO 
    3.48 % CaO 
    0.23 % P2O5 
    6.16 % Fe2O3
    0.19 % MnO 
    0.67 % TiO2 
    6.10 % L.O.I.
    100.00 % TOTAL
    from Katou Etsuzo page141, Yuuchougo no Kihon
    from building stone called Ashinumaishi or Outani-ishi
  • John Baymore John....... THANK YOU!!!!! Exactly what I was looking for. And amazingly fast also. You da' man!
  • John Neely You might find this substitute using US materials useful, too.

    Mashiko stone substitute

    KONA F-4 FELDSPAR 34.7 

    FLINT 27.1 
    EPK KAOLIN 18.6 
    TALC 5.7 
    BONE ASH .4 

Perhaps this will help Allen and I develop our copper reds further still. It's interesting to cursorily note the differences and similarities here between our glaze recipes and the American substitute. Plenty of feldspar and flint like ours, and bone ash and titanium like in our purple glaze, but the iron and manganese is very different. Of course, this isn't for a copper red, but both glazes aim at reddish hues. Time to play with oxides methinks :)

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